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25 Years Axica
Zu Tisch (Diner between Alsace and Palatinate)
Tatort: Murot und das 1000-jährige Reich (Murot and the 1000-year-empire)
Not a Single Day Premiere
Plötzlich machtlos – suddenly powerless

Nightowls & Die Spieler (The Players)

I scored two new shorts by Samuel Auer (director at berlin filmschool dffb): “Die Spieler” and “Nightowls“. Nightowls is first shown at Queer Lisboa. “Die Spieler” (trailer) was nominated for best shortfilm on Filmfest Emden, Germany, will be shown at nordic filmdays Lübeck, is nominated for best short at Interfilm Berlin, has its first international Premiere at European Shortfilm Festival Brest and won the Short Plus Award at “Fünf Seen Filmfestival“, Germany. Watch the very first collaboration, a short called “Mama” on amazon.