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25 Years Axica
Zu Tisch (Diner between Alsace and Palatinate)
Tatort: Murot und das 1000-jährige Reich (Murot and the 1000-year-empire)
Not a Single Day Premiere
Plötzlich machtlos – suddenly powerless

Die toten Vögel sind oben (Dead Birds Flying High)

New Score for a documentary by director Sönje Storm about Jürgen Friedrich Mahrt (1882 – 1940), a north german pioneer of nature photography and collector of stuffed animals, butterflies and other things.

“An exceedingly stimulating excursion, congenially accompanied by the scurrilous electronica sounds of Dominik Eulberg and Bertram Denzel” (Dok-Leipzig).

Premiere at Dok-Leipzig on 18.10.22 and winner of the German Competition !

Further nominated as best documentary at the German Film Critics Award. At achtung berlin Festival it won the Ecumenical Jury Award. At The Innsbruck Nature Film Festival awarded with the Wild Women Award.